The sessions

Empowering 1-to-1 sessions to help you awaken your inner power and unlock your highest potential.
Rebalance your body, mind & soul, through conscious guidance, healing and purpose discovery work.


This collection of 1-to-1 sessions guides you on a journey of wholeness, inner peace, and self-discovery. Infuse your life with powerful healing and embark on a transformative journey of emotional empowerment. You’ll emerge renewed, with a deeper connection to your authentic self and the wisdom to navigate your life in a more empowered way.

the collection

I start the session channelling the powerful vibrations of Reiki healing through your body as well as using crystals tuned to the chakras in need of balancing, removing blockages and restoring harmony to your system. You’ll then bask in the soothing resonance of the crystal quartz bowls.

Are you ready to release wounds from your past and activate your soul’s highest potential in this life? 

This profound Akashic & Sound Healing journey provides the portal. The Akashic healing allows you to heal the past, optimise the present, and unlock your future highest potential.

I’ve created this signature three-session experience to guide you into a place of transformation, surrendering, trusting the flow, and being yourself. To discover who you truly are and unlock your inner power, so you can live your best life.

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