It’s Autumn time! This bath purifying ritual will help you to: let go of stress, reboost yourself while eliminating energies that are not serving you anymore.
1/2 glass of sage leaves
1/2 glass of rosemary
A few leaves of bay laurel
1 handful of coarse sea salts
1. Heat 1L of water in a pot.
2. Add the plants in the pot.
3. Let brewed for 10 minutes.
4. Pour the infusion and the salt in the water of your bath.
You can add a few white coloured candles around your bathtub, the white colour symbolising positivity and purity. They will also create a lovely relaxing atmosphere for you to relax even more. For more purifying power, you can also use our Palo Santo to smudge yourself before entering your bath!
While going into your bath, pronounce the following intention: “I am cleaning the energies that are not serving me anymore. I am regenerating myself”.
Relax in your bath for as long as you need.
Thank yourself at the end for this moment of pause, and thank your bath for its cleaning properties before emptying it.